Our currently available IT Experts

Do you need a software developer who works immediately and for a short time in your project? As a software development company, we have very well-trained IT specialists with expertise in various technologies and platforms.


German contract partner according to European law

No recruiting fee. Payment on an hourly basis.

Quality guaranteed. We pre-screened all developers.

As a software development company, we know what is important to you.

Experts can immediately work remote in your project.

Experts are well-versed in a variety of project management and collaboration tools.

GDPR compliant

Flexible usage. Only some hours or for a long term.

Experienced developers with high technical capabilities

How it works


Tell us who you need

What kind of talent do you need? What’s your tech stack and project? What specific skills do you need? Inquire for a free expert of our database or ask for another specialist.


We contact you

After your request, we will contact you immediately and discuss your specific requirements for the candidate. If there is no free developer in our database, we will tirelessly search for one.


We offer you an expert

We will introduce you to the candidate. You decide if the expert will become part of your development team.


Expert starts working for you

As soon as you review and sign-off the contract, the developer is ready to integrate into your team—just like an in-house employee. Your new team member will work remote in one of our locations while the project setup is locally at your site.


You need additional developers?

That’s not really a problem. You can easily scale up your software development capacities by adding more hours or requesting additional developers. We will find the right solution that fits your needs.